RGB Led Driver iOS / Android

I rarely share projects from my daily works.

This is an exception. Recently, i had chance to play with Philips HUE, a platform for led light driving including the led bulb, a router, and the iOS/Andorid app.

The costs of the philips product is bit high imho, so i decide to recreate the entire platform and release it under the GPL v.3 license.

The platform include:

– The iOS/Android app

– The firmware for arduino-compatible shells

– A protocol that relay over a TCP-over-UDP fast transmission way.

As a personal note, i must admit that due to time constraints and electronic low knowledge, the platform can be expanded in many ways. For this reason i tried to be as more generic as possible in protocol implementation.

It can be also a good starting point for home diy projects.

Following few screenshots/pics.

Multiple devices running MoodLight.

Application Icon and Transition Screenshot

Color Picker, Lights Picker and Switches

As said, i pushed the repo on github, so feel free to dig into, fork and have fun with it. Code is released under GPL v3. I won’t put detailed infos related the code, but i’d love to answer any question on it.

Copyright © 2015– Nicola Bortignon